Tithing and financial

St. Vincent’s Orthodox Church has one source of income only, and that is our member’s contributions. We receive no subsidies from any government entity. Our Archdiocese is supported by the member parishes. That means that we do not normally receive funding from them, but rather pay a portion of our tithes to them, in order to pay the expenses of the bishops.

Sending an e-transfer to St. Vincent’s is easy. Simply send it to treasurer@stvincentoflerins.net. You will need to choose a secret question and answer, and then provide the answer to our treasurer at the same address. Use the same question and answer each time you transfer.

Bookstore payments

Please write a message in the e-transfer if you are paying for a bookstore purchase.

You can sign up for automatic debit. This helps us project our income, and helps us with planning. Please contact treasurer@stvincentoflerins.net for more info about auto-debit